Design PhilosophyΒΆ

The core of VBF library is the VBF class which represents Vector Boolean Functions whose data members and member functions make use of the NTL modules listed in Table NTL Modules. However, some new cryptography-related member functions were added to the previous modules. Besides, new modules which are not present in NTL, are defined and they are listed in Table New Modules.

NTL modules used in VBF
GF2 Galois Field of order 2 denoted by \gf{GF(2)}
vec_GF2 Vectors over \gf{GF(2)}
mat_GF2 Matrices over \gf{GF(2)}
RR Arbitrary-precision floating point numbers
vec_RR Vectors over reals
mat_RR Matrices over reals
ZZ Signed, arbitrary length integers
vec_ZZ Vectors over integers
mat_ZZ Matrices over integers
GF2X Implements polynomial arithmetic modulo 2
GF2E Polynomials in F_2[X] modulo a polynomial P
GF2EX Polynomials over \gf{GF2E}
vec_GF2E Vectors over \gf{GF2E}

Note that the modulus P in \gf{GF2E} may be any polynomial with degree greater than 0, not necessarily irreducible. Objects of the class \gf{GF2E} are represented as a \gf{GF2X} of degree less than the degree of P. \gf{GF2EX} can be used, for example, for arithmetic in \gf{GF(2^n)[X]}.

New modules created for VBF
pol Polynomial in ANF of a Boolean Function
vec_pol Polynomials in ANF of a Vector Boolean Function

The main file in the library, called VBF.h has the definitions of the objects described in the next chapters.