7. Analysis of AES competition cryptographic algorithms

In January 1997, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the start of an initiative to develop a new encryption standard: the AES. The AES selection process was open in which 15 candidates were accepted for the first evaluation round and 5 finalists were announced in the second round. On October 2, 2000, NIST officially announced that Rijndael would become the AES. In this chapter, a number of cryptographic algorithms from the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) candidates accepted for the first evaluation round process are analysed.

Below you can find a legend describing the cryptographic criteria used in this chapter:

NL Nonlinearity
NL2 2-nd order nonlinearity
LD Linearity distance
DEG Algebraic degree
AI Algebraic immunity
MAXAC Absolute indicator
\sigma Sum-of-squares indicator
LP Linear potential
DP Differential Potential

Hyperlinks to representations

Open the hyperlinks to representations below in a new browser window or in a new tab.

7.1. CAST-256

7.1.1. Description

CAST-256 is a symmetric-key block cipher published in June 1998. It was submitted as a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); however, it was not among the five AES finalists. It is an extension of an earlier cipher, CAST-128; both were designed according to the “CAST” design methodology invented by Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares. Howard Heys and Michael Wiener also contributed to the design. It has four 8x32 S-boxes: S1,S2,S3 and S4.

7.2. Crypton

7.2.1. Description

CRYPTON is a symmetric block cipher designed by Chae Hoon Lim of Future Systems Inc. In this section, we study both the AES proposal (v0.5) and the revised version (v1.0). In v0.5 the authors used two 8x8 S-boxes constructed from 4-bit permutations using a 3-round Feistel Cipher (Tabular representation of S-boxes). In v1.0 the authors used four variants of one S-box, instead of independent four S-boxes to allow greater flexibility in memory requirements. The four 8x8 S-boxes are S_i (0 \leq i \leq 3), such that S2 = {S_0}^{-1} and S3 = {S_1}^{-1}

7.2.2. Summary

S0 (v0.5) 96 32 5 3 128 581632 0.0625 0.03125
S1 (v0.5) 96 28 5 3 144 581632 0.0625 0.03125
S0 (v1.0) 96 40 6 4 96 280192 0.0625 0.0390625
S1 (v1.0) 96 40 6 4 96 280192 0.0625 0.0390625
S2 (v1.0) 96 40 6 4 96 280192 0.0625 0.0390625
S3 (v1.0) 96 40 6 4 96 280192 0.0625 0.0390625

7.2.3. S0 (v0.5) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
3 1
7 3
10 2
11 2
15 1
16 2
17 1
22 1
42 1
61 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1)

7.2.4. S1 (v0.5) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
3 1
7 3
10 2
11 2
15 1
16 2
17 1
22 1
42 1
61 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0)

7.2.5. S0 (v1.0) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
2 1
5 1
248 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1)

It has no negated fixed points

7.2.6. S1 (v1.0) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
3 1
5 1
12 1
22 1
28 1
48 1
50 1
88 1

There are no linear structures

It has no fixed points

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0)

7.2.7. S2 (v1.0) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
2 1
5 1
248 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1)

It has no negated fixed points

7.2.8. S3 (v1.0) Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
3 1
5 1
12 1
22 1
28 1
48 1
50 1
88 1

There are no linear structures

It has no fixed points

It has 1 negated fixed point: (0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1)

7.3. DEAL

7.3.1. Description

DEAL (Data Encryption Algorithm with Larger blocks) is a symmetric block cipher derived from the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The design was proposed in a report by Lars Knudsen in 1998, and was submitted to the AES competition by Richard Outerbridge (who notes that Knudsen had presented the design at the SAC conference in 1997).

DEAL has eight 6x4 S-boxes: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8. They are the same as DES S-boxes and you can see an analysis in DES.

7.4. E2

7.4.1. Description

E2 is a symmetric block cipher which was created in 1998 by NTT and submitted to the AES competition. E2 has an input transformation and output transformation that both use modular multiplication, but the round function itself consists only of XORs and S-box lookups. The single 8×8-bit S-box is constructed from the composition of an affine transformation with the discrete exponentiation x^{127} over the finite field GF(2^8). NTT adopted many of E2’s special characteristics in Camellia, which has essentially replaced E2.

7.4.2. Summary

S 100 38 6 4 104 236800 0.0478515625 0.0390625

7.4.3. S Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
2 1
3 1
7 1
24 1
64 1
156 1

There are no linear structures

It has no fixed points.

It has 2 negated fixed points: (0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1)

7.5. LOKI97

7.5.1. Description

LOKI97 is a block cipher which was a candidate in the Advanced Encryption Standard competition. It is a member of the LOKI family of ciphers, earlier instances being LOKI89 and LOKI91. LOKI97 was designed by Lawrie Brown, assisted by Jennifer Seberry and Josef Pieprzyk. The LOKI97 round function uses two columns each with multiple copies of two basic S-boxes. The S-boxes chosen for LOKI97 use cubing in a galois field GF(2^n) with n odd. In order to use odd sized inputs, S1 uses 13 input bits, and S2 uses 11. The S-box functions are:

S1[x]=((x XOR 1FFF)^3 mod 2911) & FF \in GF(2^{13})

S2[x]=((x XOR 7FF)^3 mod AA7) & FF \in GF(2^{11})

where all constant above are written in hex and all computations are done as polynomials in GF(2^n).

7.5.2. Summary

S-box size NL LD DEG AI MAXAC \sigma LP DP
S1 13x8 4032 0 2 2 8192 134217728 0.000244140625 0.0078125
S2 11x8 992 0 2 2 2048 8388608 0.0009765625 0.0078125

7.5.3. S1 Representations

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (256x256 first values except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

There are 255 linear structures:

Linear structures

7.5.4. S2 Representations

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (256x256 first values except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

There are 256 linear structures:

Linear structures

7.6. Magenta

7.6.1. Description

Magenta is a symmetric key block cipher developed by Michael Jacobson Jr. and Klaus Huber for Deutsche Telekom. The cipher was submitted to the Advanced Encryption Standard process, but did not advance beyond the first round; cryptographic weaknesses were discovered and it was found to be one of the slower ciphers submitted. It has one 8x8 S-box.

7.6.2. Summary

S 102 44 7 4 80 217600 0.04125976563 0.03125

7.6.3. S Representations

Polynomial function over \gf{GF(2^8)} with irreducible polynomial x^8+x^6+x^5+x^2+1: Trace representation

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
5 2
9 1
38 1
198 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)

It has 2 negated fixed points: (0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0), (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)

7.7. Mars

7.7.1. Description

Mars is a block cipher that was IBM’s submission to the Advanced Encryption Standard process. MARS was selected as an AES finalist in August 1999, after the AES2 conference in March 1999, where it was voted as the fifth and last finalist algorithm. It has two 8x32 S-boxes: S0 and S1

7.8. Rijndael

7.8.1. Description

Rijndael, later called AES, is a block cipher used for securing sensitive but unclassified material by U.S. Government agencies since December 6, 2001 and has become the de facto encryption standard for commercial transactions in the private sector.

S_{RD} is AES 8x8 S-box and it is generated by determining the multiplicative inverse for a given number in GF(2^8) = GF(2)[x]/(x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1), Rijndael’s finite field. {S_{RD}}^{-1} is the inverse S-box and it is simply the S-box S_{RD} run in reverse.

The tabular representation of S_{RD} S-box represented in hexadecimal notation is the following:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

Here the column is determined by the least significant nibble (four-bit aggregation), and the row is determined by the most significant nibble. For example, the value 0x9a is converted into 0xb8 by Rijndael’s S-box. Note that the multiplicative inverse of 0x00 is defined as itself.

The tabular representation of {S_{RD}}^{-1} S-box represented in hexadecimal notation is the following:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

For hardware implementations, it might be useful to use the following decomposition of S_{RD}:

S_{RD}[a] = f(g(a))

where g(a) is the mapping

a \rightarrow a^{-1} in GF(2^8), and f(a) is an affine mapping. Since g(a) is self-inverse, we have:

{S_{RD}}^{-1}[a] = {g}^{-1}({f}^{-1}(a)) = g({f}^{-1}(a))

The tabular representation of g mapping is represented in hexadecimal notation as follows:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

The tabular representation of f mapping is represented in hexadecimal notation as follows:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

The tabular representation of f^{-1} mapping is represented in hexadecimal notation as follows:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

In the algorithm of Rijndael there are multiplications of a variable with a constant. A mapping called xtime is implemented in the algorithm in order to multiply by 02. Since all elements of GF(2^8) can be written as a sum of powers of 02, multiplication by any constant can be implemented by a repeated use of xtime. The tabular representation of xtime mapping is represented in hexadecimal notation as follows:

Tabular representation in hexadecimal notation

7.8.2. Summary

S_{RD} 112 56 7 4 32 133120 0.015625 0.015625
{S_{RD}}^{-1} 112 56 7 4 32 133120 0.015625 0.015625
g 112 56 7 4 32 133120 0.015625 0.015625
f 0 0 1 1 256 16777216 1 1
f^{-1} 0 0 1 1 256 16777216 1 1
xtime 0 1 1 1 256 16777216 1 0.9921875

7.8.3. S_{RD} Representations

Polynomial function over \gf{GF(2^8)} with irreducible polynomial x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1: Trace representation

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
2 1
27 1
59 1
81 1
87 1

There are no linear structures

It has no fixed points. It has no negated fixed points

7.8.4. {S_{RD}}^{-1} Representations

Polynomial function over \gf{GF(2^8)} with irreducible polynomial x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1: Trace representation

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
2 1
27 1
59 1
81 1
87 1

There are no linear structures

It has no fixed points. It has no negated fixed points

7.8.5. g Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 2
2 127

There are no linear structures

It has 2 fixed points: (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

It has no negated fixed points: (0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0), (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

7.8.6. f Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
4 64

There are 65025 linear structures

It has no fixed points. It has no negated fixed points

7.8.7. f^{-1} Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
4 64

There are 65025 linear structures

It has no fixed points. It has no negated fixed points

7.8.8. xtime Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
2 1
51 1
79 1
85 1
92 1
100 1

There are no linear structures

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1)

7.9. Safer+

7.9.1. Description

Safer+ (Massey et al., 1998) was submitted as a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard and has a block size of 128 bits. The cipher was not selected as a finalist. Bluetooth uses custom algorithms based on SAFER+ for key derivation (called E21 and E22) and authentication as message authentication codes (called E1). Encryption in Bluetooth does not use SAFER+. It has one 8x8 S-box called expf and other 9x8 S-box called logf.

7.9.2. Summary

S-box size NL LD DEG AI MAXAC \sigma LP DP
expf 8x8 82 0 6 3 256 711424 0.1291503906 0.5
logf 9x8 164 0 6 3 512 4520960 0.1291503906 0.5

7.9.3. expf Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 3
2 1
41 1
42 1
168 1

There are 3 linear structures:

([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0],[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1])
([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0])
([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0],[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1])

It has 3 fixed points: (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1), (0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1), (0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0)

It has 4 negated fixed points: (0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0), (0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1), (1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1)

7.9.4. logf Representations

Polynomial representation in ANF

Truth Table

ANF Table

Characteristic function

Walsh Spectrum

Walsh Spectrum representation (first 256x256 values except first row and column):


Linear Profile

Differential Profile

Autocorrelation Spectrum Other useful information in cryptanalysis

There is 255 linear structures:

Linear structures

7.10. Serpent

7.10.1. Description

Serpent is a symmetric key block cipher that was a finalist in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) contest, where it was ranked second to Rijndael. Serpent was designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen. It has eight 4x4 S-boxes: S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7.

7.10.2. Summary

S0 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S1 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S2 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S3 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S4 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S5 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S6 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25
S7 4 0 0 2 2 16 1024 0.25 0.25

7.10.3. S0 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
2 2
5 1
7 1

There are 9 linear structures:

([0 0 1 0],[1 0 0 0])
([0 1 0 0],[0 0 1 1])
([0 1 0 0],[1 0 0 0])
([0 1 0 0],[1 0 1 1])
([0 1 1 0],[1 0 0 0])
([1 0 0 1],[0 0 1 1])
([1 0 1 1],[1 0 1 1])
([1 1 0 1],[0 0 1 1])
([1 1 1 1],[1 0 1 1])

It has no fixed points. It has no negated fixed points

7.10.4. S1 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 2
4 1
10 1

There are 9 linear structures:

([0 0 1 1],[1 1 1 0])
([0 1 0 0],[0 1 0 0])
([0 1 0 0],[1 0 1 0])
([0 1 0 0],[1 1 1 0])
([0 1 1 1],[1 1 1 0])
([1 0 0 0],[0 1 0 0])
([1 0 1 1],[1 0 1 0])
([1 1 0 0],[0 1 0 0])
([1 1 1 1],[1 0 1 0])

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,1,0)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (0,0,0,0)

7.10.5. S2 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
3 1
13 1

There are 9 linear structures:

([0 0 1 0],[0 0 0 1])
([0 0 1 0],[1 1 1 0])
([0 0 1 0],[1 1 1 1])
([0 1 0 0],[1 1 1 0])
([0 1 1 0],[1 1 1 0])
([1 0 0 0],[0 0 0 1])
([1 0 1 0],[0 0 0 1])
([1 1 0 0],[1 1 1 1])
([1 1 1 0],[1 1 1 1])

It has no fixed points

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,0,1,1)

7.10.6. S3 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 2
4 1
5 2

There are 3 linear structures:

([0 0 1 1],[1 1 1 0])
([0 1 0 0],[1 1 1 0])
([0 1 1 1],[1 1 1 0])

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,0,0)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,0,1,1)

7.10.7. S4 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 1
2 1
13 1

There are 3 linear structures:

([0 1 0 0],[0 0 0 1])
([1 0 1 1],[0 0 0 1])
([1 1 1 1],[0 0 0 1])

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,1,1)

It has no negated fixed points

7.10.8. S5 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 2
14 1

There are 3 linear structures:

([0 1 0 0],[0 0 0 1])
([1 0 1 1],[0 0 0 1])
([1 1 1 1],[0 0 0 1])

It has 1 fixed point: (0,0,1,0)

It has 3 negated fixed points: (0,0,0,0), (0,1,0,1), (0,1,1,0)

7.10.9. S6 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
1 2
4 1
10 1

There are 9 linear structures:

([0 0 1 0],[0 0 1 0])
([0 1 0 0],[0 0 1 0])
([0 1 1 0],[0 0 1 0])
([0 1 1 0],[0 1 0 1])
([0 1 1 0],[0 1 1 1])
([1 0 0 1],[0 1 0 1])
([1 0 1 1],[0 1 1 1])
([1 1 0 1],[0 1 1 1])
([1 1 1 1],[0 1 0 1])

It has 1 fixed point: (0,1,1,0)

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,1,1,1)

7.10.10. S7 Other useful information in cryptanalysis

Cycle structure:

Cycle length Number of cycles
3 1
4 1
9 1

There are 3 linear structures:

([0 0 0 1],[1 1 1 1])
([1 0 1 0],[1 1 1 1])
([1 0 1 1],[1 1 1 1])

It has no fixed points

It has 1 negated fixed point: (1,0,0,0)