12. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about VBF Library. Feel free to suggest new entries!

12.1. General

12.1.1. Why does this library exist?

The stated mission of VBF is to be viable free open source library for analyzing Vector Boolean Functions used in ciphers. VBF uses best-of-breed free open source Number Theory Library called NTL by Victor Shoup.

I developed this library to support my PhD Thesis.

12.1.2. Who is behind this project?

At this moment, Jose Antonio Alvarez Cubero is the only person who is contributing to develop this code. If you are interested in contributing to it, please send a comment to the email: vbflibrary@gmail.com

12.1.3. Why is VBF free/open source?

I agree with Sage Authors: “A standard rule in the mathematics community is that everything is laid open for inspection. The Sage project believes that not doing the same for mathematics software is at best a gesture of impoliteness and rudeness, and at worst a violation against standard scientific practices. An underlying philosophical principle of Sage is to apply the system of open exchange and peer review that characterizes scientific communication to the development of mathematics software. Neither the Sage project nor the Sage Development Team make any claims to being the original proponents of this principle”

12.2. Using VBF

12.2.1. How do I get started?

To download VBF source code, go to VBF source code URL . You can read the documentation on http://vbf.rtfd.io.

12.2.2. What are VBF prerequisites?

The only prerequisite is to have a version of NTL library installed on the computer in which the VBF library is executed.